On Friday nights, the girls usually go to the Father Ryan football games. I try to carpool with some of the kids that live close to us so I don't have to drive both legs - trust me - being the girls' chauffeur is exhausting! Thank goodness they have lots of friends whose parents are willing to share the burden.
This Friday, I had just picked up the last rider - making a total of 4 girls in the car. We were pulling out of her neighborhood when Morgan says, "Oh crap! I'm totally on my period and forgot tampons - anybody got some?" Surprisingly enough, no one had any, but I had a pantyliner in the console of my car (don't ask me why, no I don't usually stash pantyliners in my car console!) so offered her that. I said, "It won't replace the tampon but will give you back up if you start to overflow." To which Morgan responds, "Let me tell you, I used to have such a heavy flow, but this time, I have such a low flow that I am using the regular tampons instead of the supers! I am so loving it!" So what exactly does one say to this you may ask? All I could come up with was, "That's great. I hope it continues like that for you." Seriously! It was the only thing I could come up with. Jordan pipes up telling Morgan that no one wants to hear about her flow. Then launches into a long diatribe about how much she hates living in a household with 2 women while going to school with 200 more, and how her period can't seem to decide to whom it wants to sync with! No one really responded to that - so I guess no one really wanted to hear about her synching!
A little farther down the road, Jordan says,"I hate how whenever I wear lipgloss I end up swallowing so much of it." To which Morgan replies, "Jordan, no one wants to hear about your lipgloss flow." Touche. This exchange must have reminded Addison (Morgan's friend) about mouths, and she tells us all about the cut she has on her lip. Morgan (my brightest child) says, "Don't worry, I'm sure Griffin [Addison's boyfriend] will wound it!" "You mean heal it?" I ask - obviously the grammar freak in me running her mouth before I realized I didn't want to explore this topic of conversation with them at all! So we are all laughing and Morgan says, "Mom, you totally have to blog this car ride!"
I agreed that this was definitely blog worthy, but I have a terrible memory. So many times things will happen and I'll think, "I have to blog this" - but then forget and never do. So, I was determined to remember the events. And what better way to do it than with the voice memo app on my iPhone! I hadn't used this app yet - all you do is record a voice memo. So I start recording what I want to remember for the blog, while the girls are howling in the backseat about what a huge dork I am. But I must not be too nerdy, because Alex [Jordan's friend] said, "I want to be in the blog, too!"
The next hot topic was the fact that Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban were touring Overbrook that day (Morgan said she actually got to meet them and that Nicole was huge). I said how cool I thought that was and that I never see any famous people in a city where a lot of them live. Morgan was like, "We need to add that to the blog." And how was I to remember? That's right - the voice memo app...but this time Morgan wanted to record the details! I guess it's only dorky if you're over 30 and use that app? So she starts talking and says, "Morgan, Stephanie's daughter..." like I wouldn't know who Morgan was when I played the recording back! I may be bad, but I think I can remember my own kids!!
About this time we were getting close to Father Ryan. Who knows what prompted the next topic of conversation, but we were all enthusiastic about it - our favorite months of the year! We were all naming our favorite months, and the only one to name a month other than their birthday month was Jordan. She pointed this out, saying, "What are you, 5 year olds? Only little kids like their birthday month the best! And I guess December, too, for Christmas." Ok, maybe she's right, but is there anything wrong with that? We decided that the worst months were March (mostly cold, teasing of Spring and the end of school) and September (being excited to go back to school has worn off, and who can really remember anything at all from September?) - sorry for any folks with those as their birthday months - they stink!
And then we had arrived at the destination. As the girls were getting out of the car, I heard Addison say, "I love riding with your mom. The conversations are always so fun!" So maybe I'm not as dorky as the girls pretend I am!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Top 10 Signs I'm Officially Turning Into My Mother
10. I, too haven't ironed in 15 years
9. I often tell the girls, "I can't have anything nice!"
8. I volunteer for things I don't want to do that take up way more time than I anticipated
7. I use my dictionary almost on a daily basis
6. I look forward to having the house to myself so I can watch old movies
5. I make myself do all my work before I can play
4. When my house is messy, it stresses me out
3. I can't survive without my lists
2. I look forward to putting away my groceries because I get to reorganize my pantry and refrigerator
1. I consider waking up at 7:30 to be sleeping in
And only one reason I will never be my mother: I can't be on time for anything!
9. I often tell the girls, "I can't have anything nice!"
8. I volunteer for things I don't want to do that take up way more time than I anticipated
7. I use my dictionary almost on a daily basis
6. I look forward to having the house to myself so I can watch old movies
5. I make myself do all my work before I can play
4. When my house is messy, it stresses me out
3. I can't survive without my lists
2. I look forward to putting away my groceries because I get to reorganize my pantry and refrigerator
1. I consider waking up at 7:30 to be sleeping in
And only one reason I will never be my mother: I can't be on time for anything!
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