Friday, February 1, 2008

Bragging Blogger

My family had such a good week, I just had to share:

Jordan and Morgan got their report cards this week. Both made the gold honor roll - the highest honor roll at school!

Brantley made it a whole week with all smiley faces. This is quite an accomplishment as the last month she has had several straight faces and even a couple of frowny faces!

Bryan was rated "Above Expectations" on his performance review. They are putting him on the fast track. They are creating a position below him so that he can have a direct report. He needs this in order to be promoted to the next tier - which we hope will be this summer or fall.

And I lost 2 pounds last week and have done amazing on my diet this week, so hope to add another 2 to that!

Go Bennett-Jackson's!!


Barbara Eads said...

Yea! for you guys!!! Keep up the good work!

Bridget said...

Congrats to everyone!!! I think there needs to be a celbration this weekend!