Every friend you have spoken to within the last 5 years and all your family members (including your new husband) is tearing up your email to "See if you've heard", or to "Let you know" the New Kids on the Block are reuniting for a new album and tour!
I am so there!! I cannot wait. I feel 12 again - seriously that giddy. Today at work, all the ladies around my age were literally tittering with excitement. Meanwhile, all the ladies around my mom's age were reminiscing about their own daughter's fanatical behavior for the Fab 5 from Beantown.
Do you think it is inappropriate to drag your two pre-teens along to the show with you while waving an "I Love Joe" sign?
P.S. Mom, when I am there this weekend, I so have to get my NKOTB memorabilia out of your attic!!!!!!
I will be happy for you to get that stuff out of the attic! We'll need to take a few pictures for the layout too!! I've already emailed my friends to see if they want to camp out again for tickets---20 years later. Connie said she's too old, but I convinced her the first time, I'm sure I can do it again. Pam will do anything I ask her to do, so she's there. Hmmm, it just dawned on me that I forgot to ask Bruce. That was our first night together, so he might want to take a walk down memory lane too.
OMG... I can't even believe you are questioning whether or not you should drag morgan or jordan along: ABSOLUTELY! I, personally, am still waiting on my chance to "camp out" for NKOTB tickets and not have to leave at midnight like back in the 90's (which I think I'm still a little bitter about)... I'm sure M&J would appreciate it just as much as we would these days! COUNT ME IN!
I think Joe is the cutest, but there is another one that is pretty cute too, I just don't know all their names (a shocker to all you fans I'm sure). Back in college in South Bend, Greg and I camped out all night for tickets (for my sisters of course, not ourselves) and were certain we would get tickets as we were the ONLY people at the arena, only to find out in the morning as everyone and their brother showed up that Notre Dame sells tickets based on a lottery system to avoid having people camp out, and needless to say, we DID NOT get the tickets! What does that say about NKOTB when even nonfans are willing to camp out all night for tickets?!
OMG, Sandy, I had forgotten that you and Greg camped out too. Well, maybe you need to go with us this time to see what all the fuss was about!! Maybe we'll even drag Greg. It could be a test as to what he will still do for love!
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