We went shopping together for her dress and shoes. After last year's fiasco with dress shopping (graduation and confirmation), we were both reluctant to go. We put it off until the last minute, but we made a game plan. It was pretty simple (and was modeled after my mom who had taken Jordan shopping after me last year and had fabulous results):
1. Eat lunch together first (so we remember that for the most part we like each other)
2. Start at Macy's (No independent mall stores - too long and pricey!)
3. Try on at least 5 dresses (even if they didn't look so great on the rack)
4. If none are good, hit next department store
5. Repeat
I told her I'd spend up to $150.00 for both the shoes and the dress, so if she wanted something more expensive, she would have to pay the difference. With those rules in place, we went shopping.
We had a nice lunch (Mexican, which we both adore). Then - Macy's. We went straight to the Juniors dress section. Jordan didn't really know what she wanted, but she did know she wanted a short dress with fun color. We pulled about 6 dresses to try. Then, right before going into the dressing room, we saw one that was black and steel grey. It did not meet her requirement of color, but it met my requirement of try it on even if it doesn't look awesome on the rack. Several of the dresses were really cute, but the black and grey one was by far the best. She loved it. I loved it. It was well within the budget. Bought it.
Moved to shoes (always easier, but usually pricier). Tried on 2 pairs, loved the second. Were within budget. Bought them. The total shopping experience lasted less than 45 minutes and she came in about $10.00 under budget!! We were both thrilled.
The day of the dance, I let her get her nails and toes done, and I helped her with her hair. She looked so beautiful. And I'm not one to usually gush about my kids - but I was proud. As it turned out, some of my friends were here (long story - another blog perhaps), so I think we sufficiently embarrassed her and Nathan (remember Greg and Sandy?!) Merrill cried - which made me tear up - but I kept it in check!
Nathan had purchased a really beautiful corsage - Calla Lilies. They were dusted with a shimmery something - really gorgeous! Nathan's a good kid - he had purchased his "outfit" to match Jordan's - and it did, perfectly! So they really looked great together. Here are the pictures.
Jordan said she did not have a great time at the dance. For one, she doesn't like to dance. Plus, her boyfriend doesn't know any of her friends, so she thought he wasn't as interesting as he usually is. She had brought along a pair of flats just in case her feet started to hurt, which of course they did. But the chaperones wouldn't let them go out to the car and get them and then come back in the dance, so she was miserable. But the most "awful" thing was that a girl she really doesn't care for had the same dress as her! I know to a teenager that can ruin a dance, but I told her to think about how much better she probably looked in it than that girl! The thing I was most upset about: she didn't take any pictures of her and her friends so I could do a scrapbook page for her album, nor did she get the professional picture at the dance! She said she didn't think they had a photographer, but it's not like she looked for one! Leave it to Jordan to be so oblivious as to the fact that every dance has a photographer, and getting the pictures is a must!! That girl, I swear!
Overall, she rated the anticipation and getting ready a 10. The actual evening, not so much. But I have hopes the next dance will be better for her. After all, my mom's offered to teach her how to dance! :)
OMG! Her dress is gorgeous! I can't believe she's so grown up. Time has flown by---it seems like it was only yesterday that you were going to your high school dances. Oh, wait, it was!
I can't believe she's so OLD already!! I remember my winter formal like it was yesterday, but 23 years have passed since then. YIKES! Am I that old?! I'll have to tell Jordan all about it and my blind date...not so fun. She looks so pretty, Steph! She's turning into quite a young lady!
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