Yesterday, on MY birthday, Jordan forgot and didn't even wish me a happy birthday. She made up for it, though, when she thoughtfully brought home THREE ferrets. [Yes, I marched her right back out of the house to the pet store to return them.]
About a month ago, we had a houseful of kids. As usual, they were playing "grab ass" (my dad's favorite term for kids horsing around) when one of the boys decided to light the gas fireplace. Without opening the flu. Turning the gas to full steam while he looked for a match. The explosion was so loud, I seriously couldn't fathom what had just happened. When the girls started screaming and the smoke detector started going off, I knew it was worse than that thing I couldn't imagine! I ran downstairs in my nightie - who had time for a robe?! - to discover I still had a house. One of the boys smartly turned off the gas, but I didn't know that and with my adrenaline rush I thought I was turning it off (later discovering I had actually turned it on again!). I seriously thought I was going to have to take the boy to the hospital, but when I looked at him, he had only singed his hair (body, head, and facial) and it just looked like he had a bad sunburn. Then I noticed the gas smell, and realized I turned it on and it had been running for like 10 minutes! Nothing like a little carbon monoxide poisoning to end the evening! [I told my work girls that this reason was good for a whole week at least!]
For my birthday, Morgan and Carson wanted to take me out to dinner to Red Robin. Isn't that sweet? They invited Jordan and Nicky. It was supposed to be a surprise, but they couldn't keep it secret. Which was ok...until the bill came and they realized taking everyone out to dinner was a little more expensive then they could afford. Happy $60.00 birthday dinner to me. (If I was going to give myself a $60.00 birthday present, it most definitely wouldn't have been dinner - it'd have been a new pair of shoes!) And because I didn't want a whole meal to myself, I didn't even get the burger I wanted because I had to share with everyone else!
Those are just a few of the most recent reasons I've given the girls at work why they should never procreate. What I don't tell them, though, are all the reasons you should procreate (which somehow outweigh those reasons that you shouldn't). Like...
Singing along to the radio in the car with the girls
Our dinner-table conversations
The notes they write me when they are apologizing for something
The sheer fun we have in our house of 3 girls
Sharing makeup/clothes/shoes with much hipper persons than I
Decorating the house for holidays
Celebrating when they make the honor roll
And the list goes on! I guess when it's all said and done - YOU SHOULD PROCREATE!!
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