Skip ahead 22 years...New Kids reunite and there is an opportunity to meet the boys!! This time, mom and dad pulled through in a major way! Dad surprised Mindy and I with VIP tickets to the concert - which included a meet and greet with them! It was completely surreal and one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I just wish I had planned better how I was going to react and what I was going to say.
Before it was out turn to go in, Mindy says, "Now Steph, you cannot cry and you cannot say you love them." Well hell. I didn't think I was going to cry, but now she had me worried. And if I can't say I love them, what am I going to say?! See below to see my remarkable interaction with the guys so you can really understand the memorable impression I left.
To Danny: "Thank you for having us." (This is code for I think I am meeting my grandmother's friend and I am such a polite southern girl). From Danny, no response.
To Donnie: "You single-handedly got me through junior high." (Not even true! So stupid!) From Donnie: "No, you got you through."
To Jonathan: Nothing. (Clearly the first two exchanges had left me speechless.) From Jonathan: Nothing.
To Joe: "Always my favorite. Y'all are gonna rock it tonight." (This doesn't need any interpretation. It's just plain dumb!) From Joe: HE PUT HIS ARM AROUND ME AND KEPT IT THERE FOR LIKE 20 SECONDS! We basically go married. Even if he was talking a whole lot about the hype of the show.
To Jordan: "Y'all look a lot skinnier in person than you do on tv." (Like I watch them on TV! Who says that??)
So overall, I am really happy they meet hundreds of girls at every show. They won't remember me. You know what it means, though? Dad and mom will have to send me again so I can be better prepared and redeem myself!

1 comment:
So glad you enjoyed it! Next time I'll help you with your awkward conversation!
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