Mindy and I went to see Jordan Knight in concert (solo). It was a dive bar, small, and not sold out. I felt bad that the crowd cheered the most when he either spoke about another NKOTB band member, or when he played one NKOTB song "The Right Stuff." But not too bad, in his early 40's, he looks amazing, can still dance, and is obviously still rolling in the dough with all the NKOTB reuniting events. They are having their cruise again this year. I really want to go, but it's just a little too rich for my blood. :(
Jordan and I start going on college visits at the end of this month. We are starting with UT. Neither she nor I really want her to go there, but since she hasn't actively pursued any college as yet, it's as good a place to start as any. I plan to take her to the College of Charleston in April, then to Washington University and St. Louis University over the summer. Just trying to get a wide variety of visits in so she can start narrowing down her choices. And figure out how much more she needs to do to beef up her college resume!
Morgan and her friends came to my mom and dad's for their dinner before their winter formal dance. My mom did it up right with the crystal, china, and a delicious menu. I contributed table favors and sparking cider. Since she was out of town, the actual cooking and serving was left up to me. Since we all know how I am in the kitchen, I called in the troops - Nicky, Dad, and Mindy. In the end we pulled it off - probably because mom had every detail planned out, including telling us to remove the plastic wrap from the green beans prior to putting them in the oven! Dad was great and didn't tell Morgan it wasn't a fashion show even though we all knew she would be dying by the end of the night in her cheetah stilettos! The picture below was from last year's winter formal. She has all the pictures from this year on her camera and I haven't gotten them yet.
Mindy and I are scrapbooking today for AYM. I am excited about it because I love to scrapbook and have good page ideas. I am also a little nervous about it as Mindy is not a scrapbooker, and well, is a little Needy! I hope this is relaxing and fun the way I like it and not irritating with me having to do it all for her. Love you, Mindy!
Mom and dad have been traveling like crazy, They just visited the Lapps and now it makes me really anxious for our trip to the Lapps in early June. Nicky, the girls and I are going for a long weekend. It will be so much fun. Sandy and Greg always cook some delicious meals, the kids enjoy hanging out. It is generally a really relaxing time. We are trying to have more family dinners to keep in touch at home. You would think that with all of us here we would get together all the time, but schedules are so hectic it just doesn't always work out!
I guess that's about all from here. Maybe I will work on keeping this darn blog up to date a little better!

1 comment:
So glad you are posting again. I haven't checked your blog in months, so this was a nice surprise. Remember, your blog makes for good scrapbook material and journal notes!
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