Monday, December 28, 2009

Pictures from My Very Successful Dinner Party!!

If you want to hear about the details, read my mom's blog! But here are the pictures from our evening. It was tons of fun and I would definitely classify it as a success. My mom left me with a time-line and we sat down to eat at 7:59. My target was 8:00! So see, mom, you can have a sit-down dinner party for 17! (Of course, only if you have a "Barb!") The food was delicious, and everyone was complimentary of my mom and her abilities.

The tables:

Merrill, Tucker, & Matt:

Nicky, Me, & Jimmy:

Some friends from work:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My baby's all grown up!

Jordan had her first formal dance yesterday. She looked absolutely beautiful - and so grown up! Her boyfriend is as big as a grown man - which is good for Jordan since her 4" heels makes her tower above most. I should have gotten a picture of that - Jordan towering over me!

We went shopping together for her dress and shoes. After last year's fiasco with dress shopping (graduation and confirmation), we were both reluctant to go. We put it off until the last minute, but we made a game plan. It was pretty simple (and was modeled after my mom who had taken Jordan shopping after me last year and had fabulous results):
1. Eat lunch together first (so we remember that for the most part we like each other)
2. Start at Macy's (No independent mall stores - too long and pricey!)
3. Try on at least 5 dresses (even if they didn't look so great on the rack)
4. If none are good, hit next department store
5. Repeat
I told her I'd spend up to $150.00 for both the shoes and the dress, so if she wanted something more expensive, she would have to pay the difference. With those rules in place, we went shopping.

We had a nice lunch (Mexican, which we both adore). Then - Macy's. We went straight to the Juniors dress section. Jordan didn't really know what she wanted, but she did know she wanted a short dress with fun color. We pulled about 6 dresses to try. Then, right before going into the dressing room, we saw one that was black and steel grey. It did not meet her requirement of color, but it met my requirement of try it on even if it doesn't look awesome on the rack. Several of the dresses were really cute, but the black and grey one was by far the best. She loved it. I loved it. It was well within the budget. Bought it.

Moved to shoes (always easier, but usually pricier). Tried on 2 pairs, loved the second. Were within budget. Bought them. The total shopping experience lasted less than 45 minutes and she came in about $10.00 under budget!! We were both thrilled.

The day of the dance, I let her get her nails and toes done, and I helped her with her hair. She looked so beautiful. And I'm not one to usually gush about my kids - but I was proud. As it turned out, some of my friends were here (long story - another blog perhaps), so I think we sufficiently embarrassed her and Nathan (remember Greg and Sandy?!) Merrill cried - which made me tear up - but I kept it in check!

Nathan had purchased a really beautiful corsage - Calla Lilies. They were dusted with a shimmery something - really gorgeous! Nathan's a good kid - he had purchased his "outfit" to match Jordan's - and it did, perfectly! So they really looked great together. Here are the pictures.

Jordan said she did not have a great time at the dance. For one, she doesn't like to dance. Plus, her boyfriend doesn't know any of her friends, so she thought he wasn't as interesting as he usually is. She had brought along a pair of flats just in case her feet started to hurt, which of course they did. But the chaperones wouldn't let them go out to the car and get them and then come back in the dance, so she was miserable. But the most "awful" thing was that a girl she really doesn't care for had the same dress as her! I know to a teenager that can ruin a dance, but I told her to think about how much better she probably looked in it than that girl! The thing I was most upset about: she didn't take any pictures of her and her friends so I could do a scrapbook page for her album, nor did she get the professional picture at the dance! She said she didn't think they had a photographer, but it's not like she looked for one! Leave it to Jordan to be so oblivious as to the fact that every dance has a photographer, and getting the pictures is a must!! That girl, I swear!

Overall, she rated the anticipation and getting ready a 10. The actual evening, not so much. But I have hopes the next dance will be better for her. After all, my mom's offered to teach her how to dance! :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Steph's Stressed - & the Season's Just Begun!

I can't believe that we are only 3 days into the Christmas season, and already I am totally stressed out!

Our tradition is to decorate the house the weekend after Thanksgiving. Usually my dad and I go to get our trees on Saturday. We have our favorite seller where we've gone for years. Dad and the owner know each other by now, and I think they both get a kick out of the haggle. I don't mind so much seeing as since dad gets such a big tree, the owner almost kicks mine in for free! But this year, dad didn't want to get the trees this weekend. I don't know why, but I can't go without him - that's the tradition! So that has thrown me off. I thought I may go ahead and do all the other decorating, but I had so much to do this weekend that I wasn't really "free" until about 2:00 Sunday. Even with the girls "help" I'm not sure I could have gotten it all done by the evening, and the cleaning ladies come tomorrow, so it had to be done and out of the way so they could clean...the outcome - I haven't started decorating yet! I hate putting it off - that means less time to enjoy it before I have to take it down. Plus, next weekend I have agreed to help a friend move (I know, what was I thinking?!), Morgan has a basketball game, and Jordan has winter formal. It's not like it will be less busy than this weekend was!

I decided to be a good mother and make memories this year. The girls and I haven't done any holiday baking in years. So, I bought the stuff to make the peanut butter cookies with the hershey kisses on top and gingerbread cookie dough & cream cheese icing. Ambitious, I know, for a non-cook! I decided we would make the peanut butter cookies today. Of course, the girls didn't want anything to do with the baking, only the eating! So much for making memories...The first batch I undercooked and put the kisses in too soon so they totally melted. The second & third rounds went a little better, but they still aren't as pretty as when my mom makes them. At least they taste good! But that sucked up an hour and a half of my day.

Moving along to the shopping. I am actually in really good shape. I am done with my family's gifts. All I have left is the girls, my boss, and maybe a friend or two. And I have the money to shop (thanks, Dave!) so that's no big deal. But when will I have time to go shopping?? I would rather shop online, but then I'm peeved when they charge you an arm and a leg for shipping and handling. I like the mall this time of year, so I will probably venture out soon, but the girls have asked for items that I won't really be able to get at the mall, but rather at places like Walmart and Target - which are not fun this time of year!

My calendar is filling up, I haven't bought an ornament for the ornament exchange (& you know I'll have to cook for that, too), my friends want to have a Christmas celebration so I guess I'll be planning that! Yeah - it's official - the holidays are here!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Girls Visit Me at Work

A few days ago, the girls had to come to my office at the end of the day. This is always stressful as my office is pretty quiet and the girls are, well, not! As I led them to my cube Jordan blurts out, "Oh my God! I would die if I had to stay cooped up like this all day!" I agree, but that's not the point. The point is that everyone heard her. As if we don't feel bad enough about our lame station in life! Then they began picking apart my desk space. Neither were happy with the pictures I had of them, but Jordan did comment (again, loud enough for everyone to hear), "Wow, I'm really busting out in that shirt!" And they think I 'm embarrassing!

I needed to finish a couple of things before leaving, so the girls occupied themselves by writing on my whiteboard. At first, they were writing silly stuff, then Jordan decided to write "I 'heart' Women" - like it was some funny joke on me. I started muffle yelling at her to erase it - that I work with lesbians, and didn't want HR to pay me a visit for sexual orientation slurs in the workplace. I said, "You want me to get fired?"

So they decided to play hangman. They were pretty good, but still a little loud. As we were living they only caused a minimal stir tromping through with all their crap.

On the way home Jordan informed me that she wouldn't get any work done if she was me because she would spend the whole time writing on the white board. I told her that I like it, too - and in fact Jeremy and I do play hangman every now and again when we need a break! To which Jordan responded, "So you're not worried about getting fired for playing hangman during work, but for having 'I "heart' Women' on your board?" From the mouths of babes!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

More Stimulating Conversations With the Girls [and their friends!]

On Friday nights, the girls usually go to the Father Ryan football games. I try to carpool with some of the kids that live close to us so I don't have to drive both legs - trust me - being the girls' chauffeur is exhausting! Thank goodness they have lots of friends whose parents are willing to share the burden.

This Friday, I had just picked up the last rider - making a total of 4 girls in the car. We were pulling out of her neighborhood when Morgan says, "Oh crap! I'm totally on my period and forgot tampons - anybody got some?" Surprisingly enough, no one had any, but I had a pantyliner in the console of my car (don't ask me why, no I don't usually stash pantyliners in my car console!) so offered her that. I said, "It won't replace the tampon but will give you back up if you start to overflow." To which Morgan responds, "Let me tell you, I used to have such a heavy flow, but this time, I have such a low flow that I am using the regular tampons instead of the supers! I am so loving it!" So what exactly does one say to this you may ask? All I could come up with was, "That's great. I hope it continues like that for you." Seriously! It was the only thing I could come up with. Jordan pipes up telling Morgan that no one wants to hear about her flow. Then launches into a long diatribe about how much she hates living in a household with 2 women while going to school with 200 more, and how her period can't seem to decide to whom it wants to sync with! No one really responded to that - so I guess no one really wanted to hear about her synching!

A little farther down the road, Jordan says,"I hate how whenever I wear lipgloss I end up swallowing so much of it." To which Morgan replies, "Jordan, no one wants to hear about your lipgloss flow." Touche. This exchange must have reminded Addison (Morgan's friend) about mouths, and she tells us all about the cut she has on her lip. Morgan (my brightest child) says, "Don't worry, I'm sure Griffin [Addison's boyfriend] will wound it!" "You mean heal it?" I ask - obviously the grammar freak in me running her mouth before I realized I didn't want to explore this topic of conversation with them at all! So we are all laughing and Morgan says, "Mom, you totally have to blog this car ride!"

I agreed that this was definitely blog worthy, but I have a terrible memory. So many times things will happen and I'll think, "I have to blog this" - but then forget and never do. So, I was determined to remember the events. And what better way to do it than with the voice memo app on my iPhone! I hadn't used this app yet - all you do is record a voice memo. So I start recording what I want to remember for the blog, while the girls are howling in the backseat about what a huge dork I am. But I must not be too nerdy, because Alex [Jordan's friend] said, "I want to be in the blog, too!"

The next hot topic was the fact that Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban were touring Overbrook that day (Morgan said she actually got to meet them and that Nicole was huge). I said how cool I thought that was and that I never see any famous people in a city where a lot of them live. Morgan was like, "We need to add that to the blog." And how was I to remember? That's right - the voice memo app...but this time Morgan wanted to record the details! I guess it's only dorky if you're over 30 and use that app? So she starts talking and says, "Morgan, Stephanie's daughter..." like I wouldn't know who Morgan was when I played the recording back! I may be bad, but I think I can remember my own kids!!

About this time we were getting close to Father Ryan. Who knows what prompted the next topic of conversation, but we were all enthusiastic about it - our favorite months of the year! We were all naming our favorite months, and the only one to name a month other than their birthday month was Jordan. She pointed this out, saying, "What are you, 5 year olds? Only little kids like their birthday month the best! And I guess December, too, for Christmas." Ok, maybe she's right, but is there anything wrong with that? We decided that the worst months were March (mostly cold, teasing of Spring and the end of school) and September (being excited to go back to school has worn off, and who can really remember anything at all from September?) - sorry for any folks with those as their birthday months - they stink!

And then we had arrived at the destination. As the girls were getting out of the car, I heard Addison say, "I love riding with your mom. The conversations are always so fun!" So maybe I'm not as dorky as the girls pretend I am!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Top 10 Signs I'm Officially Turning Into My Mother

10. I, too haven't ironed in 15 years
9. I often tell the girls, "I can't have anything nice!"
8. I volunteer for things I don't want to do that take up way more time than I anticipated
7. I use my dictionary almost on a daily basis
6. I look forward to having the house to myself so I can watch old movies
5. I make myself do all my work before I can play
4. When my house is messy, it stresses me out
3. I can't survive without my lists
2. I look forward to putting away my groceries because I get to reorganize my pantry and refrigerator
1. I consider waking up at 7:30 to be sleeping in

And only one reason I will never be my mother: I can't be on time for anything!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

How to Pick Up Guys in a Depressed Economy

So I'm at the grocery store checking out. Background: I hate grocery shopping. I will live off butter noodles and cream of mushroom soup for weeks before breaking down and going to the store. I try to limit my visits to Kroger to about 1 a month. So when I go - it's a doozy. Back to the story...

So I'm at the grocery store checking out. Everyone knows I am on the "Dave" plan [Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover]. My dad is nice enough to save the coupons from the paper for me. I am fanatical about my coupons. So, as I'm checking out, I have quite a few to redeem. And it's taking the guy a really long time to scan them all in. I turn apologetically to the [cute, single - with groceries I approve of] guy behind me and say, "I know it's a pain, but it saves me a lot of money." He replies, "No problem!" It takes the check out guy a couple more minutes, as he meticulously separates the manufacturer coupons from the Kroger coupons, then he's done. He says, "Here's more coupons, and you're really long receipt..." to which the guy behind me asks, "How much did you save?" I told him I had saved about 30 dollars. End of story, right?

Apparently not. So now I'm loading the groceries into my car, and here comes the guy - who stops and says, "The coupons really weren't bothering me." "Good" I say. And he goes, "But I bet that check-out guy was annoyed! He'll just have to get over it - I mean that was a lot of money to save and it must have been a lot of work for you to get that all together." Ok - clearly, he was impressed with my coupon-cutting skills. [Or maybe it was my zebra print bra you could faintly see through my t-shirt (that I didn't know until I got home and the girls pointed out).] Then he was kind of hanging around...waiting. It would have been as easy as saying, "Wanna come see my coupon collection?" and he'd have been hooked! Guess it's a turn-on that a woman is into saving money in this state of economy! Then again - maybe that's a turn-on to a guy in any economic period!!

*For the record, I did not invite the guy to check out my coupons! :o)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Toes Woes

There's not much I like better in the way of pampering than a good spa pedicure. Last week while we were in St. Louis, my mom treated us girls to mani/pedis. Yeah! As we were walking to the car afterwards, I looked down and noticed that both my papa toes were incredibly smeared. What?! How the heck did that happen? I was certain I hadn't touched them on anything. I had planned on wearing open-toed shoes to the wedding, so I had to go back in and get the guy to fix them. Sandy and mom waited patiently in the car (after they got over their laughing fit at me). The guy finishes, and I walk back out to the car only to realize that I had done it again! Both papa toes - ruined!!

I'm cussing as I get in the car as I realize the problem - my shoes! They were sandals, but the top part was rubbing my toes (unbeknownst to me) as I walked. Sandy was like, "Just go back and ask him to fix them one last time." Yeah right! I was already the idiot, I wasn't going back in there so they could make fun of me in Vietnamese while I sat there oblivious! Mom was like, "Just lick your finger and see if you can smooth it out. It's not that bad." YES IT IS! Not only are the toes smeared, but there is nail polish all over my toes!

So, we drive to the local cosmetic store where I purchase nail polish remover, Ruby Slippers nail polish (a color I'm not even that crazy about), and top coat. When we returned to the hotel, I was able to repair the damage. But talk about a non-pampering experience - I was really stressed out!

Here's the damage:
1 Pedicure - 30.00 (Thanks, mom!)
1 Tip to Repair Pedicure - 5.00
1 Nail Polish Remover - 2.00
1 Top Coat - 4.00
1 Ruby Slippers Nail Polish - 7.50

Total: 48.50 - the most expensive pedicure I ever had!

On the bright side, Mindy pointed out that while I may not be in love with the color, at least dark red sparkle polish was practical. Think of all the times it can be worn: Valentine's Day, Fourth of July, and Christmas! Thanks, Mind!

**On a side note, the bulb replacement to my tv went off without a hitch. I borrowed the proper tools from dad, and didn't even have to use the latex glove!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Life without TV

So last night I was taking Merrill out to dinner for her birthday when Jordan starts blowing up my phone with calls and texts. I tried to ignore her, as we were in a really nice Italian restaurant (Giovanni's for you Nashville folks), and I hadn't been gone all that long - certainly not long enough for an emergency to already have erupted - but since I had only set my phone on vibrate, and was carrying a small clutch, it was kind of hard.

"What's the emergency?" I text her. Yes - at the table. (We had already told the server we had cocktails and appetizers at another location, so were only here for the main course. That didn't go over too well. The Giovanni had already stopped by and introduced himself. I told him his restaurant had a lot to live up to - my tira missou experience in Carmine's in NY (another blog another time), and even though he said he had "nothing to worry about" I'm not sure he cared much for that. So I was sort of nervous we would be asked to leave, but...)

The emergency? The tv bulb finally blew. I knew if was going out - when my parents gave me the TV it was already pretty dim, and the coloring was weird, so I knew it was just a matter of time. But it's sort of scary when it happens - it makes a loud pop and everything goes black. So it really freaked Jordan out. She knew what had happened, so I was not sure why she was calling me. Like I could run home and quickly replace the bulb or something. Got a spare? Yeah, right in my purse... DUH!

So today I was shopping for a new bulb. I did get a better deal than I thought I would, but it still cost me about $130.00 with shipping/tax. I believe my dad said the tv wasn't really worth replacing the bulb again, but it's so huge, and now I'm spoiled with it, and since I can't afford a new one, I figured it wasn't too bad. Anyways, the bulb will ship in 3-7 days. Good thing we'll be in St. Lous this week, because life without tv is eerie!

Here's life without TV in our house:
- Jordan never shuts up. She thinks her stories are awesome, but they are only slightly better than mine!

- Morgan considers anyone looking at her or talking to her a stalker - as in, "Mom, why do you keep stalking me?" I got to hear this more often than usual today since I was trying to fill the silence.

- Now I know why I like to nap with the tv on. Normal naptime for Steph - 30 to 45 minutes. Today's nap? 1 1/2 hours!!!! Wasted the whole darn afternoon!

- The chairs in the rec room (where Jordan and I finally reverted to watch tv) aren't all that comfortable. And the tv is really small. And there is no surround sound.

- I'm really sick of "screamo" music. Yes, it is a new genre. Yes, it is just like it sounds - screaming!

The thing I've realized the most today is that I never would have called us a tv family. We don't just sit around all day watching tv. But the tv is always on. It is a normal part of our "family noise." And it's really kind of creepy without it!

Next blog: Steph replacing the bulb. The company I ordered it from had a 5 minute YouTube how-to video on it. Included in supplies needed were latex gloves. Need I say more??

Monday, July 20, 2009

Typical Conversation on a Monday Evening

Jordan: Mom, are you seriously wearing that?

Steph: What? I am going to work out.

Jordan: That shirt is really bright, and I can see your super-white sports bra really clearly. In fact, yellow, grey, and white should never be worn alone.

Steph: They aren't alone - there's yellow, grey, and white.

Jordan: Well, that's just a sign - those colors by themselves...

Steph: What?

Jordan: A sign you should not be seen in public.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Things Don't Always Pay Off...

Being a perfectionist doesn't pay off when painting your nails. I seriously painted/removed/repainted a nail 4 times!! (And it still looks like crap!)

Being dependable at work doesn't pay off when you miss a New Kids on the Block concert happening 3 hours from your home. New Kids will be in Memphis tomorrow evening, but I won't be there since I can't take off work and leave my lame ass team to fend for themselves. This particular trait, in fact, never pays off. You end up doing all the work, receiving none of the recognition, and not nearly enough money to make it worthwhile!

Being nice doesn't pay off when friends you have recently made ask you to help them move. Like I haven't moved enough for everyone. (Since I am not empathetic, however, I flat out told her no!)

Being a clean freak doesn't pay off when it's summer and you have teenagers at home. The house is never ready for company (not like I have that much) and I think I cleaned the kitchen 10 times one day last weekend!

Being a hypochondriac doesn't pay off at all. Last week I had hypoglycemia and a stroke.

What does pay off, you ask? Procrastination. If you wait long enough to tackle something, it just might take care of itself. Case in point: picking up the newspaper [I don't subscribe to] and wheeling the trashcan back after trash day. Some neighbor of mine is secretly wishing I'd move just one more time! (Note - this is the first time this has happened, and contrary to the tone of my blog, I was mortified, so guarantee it won't happen again. I'm praying they just thought I was out of town!)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What's the only thing that could make my blog better?

New kids on the Block videos!!!!

Beat that, mom! (And no, the feeding fish do not!)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Typical Conversation on a Sunday Afternoon

Morgan: Mom, are you in metapause?

Me: Morgan, I'm not 50!

Morgan: Don't you want to be in metapause - I mean if I knew I didn't want anymore children I would just want to get it over with.

Me: Uh, no I don't want to be in menopause - hot flashes, moodiness...

Morgan: How long does it last?

Me: I don't know - a couple of years I guess. But menopause is different for everyone.

Morgan: Why do you keep saying men-o-pause?

Me: Because that's what it is - menopause.

Morgan: I thought it was met-a-pause.

Me: No, it's menopause.

Morgan: I can't wait to tell Jordan. She is always right and knows so much about this kind of stuff. Menopause...

Me: I'm sure she knew it was menopause.

Morgan: No she thinks its metapause. Mom, that was my favorite conversation.

Me: I am so gonna have to blog this.

Addison(Morgan's friend): What's blog?

Morgan: It's this thing old people do to "keep in touch with family and friends." You know, because they're too lame to Facebook.

Don't be jealous that your Sunday conversations aren't as riveting and self-affirming.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Frustrations - Resolved!

Well, at least some!

1. Taxes: Completed on time - and I only spent 30 minutes at the post office to mail them [on tax day]!
2. Adobe Elements (photo editing software I cannot even begin to understand): Updated to the latest version, signed up for an online course, got the "Photoshop Elements 6 for Dummies" book. I have already learned more in 4 hours this weekend then I learned in 12 last! I love education!!
3. Squirrels in my attic: Critter Control has set traps... handyman is lined up to repair the soffit when the squirrels are all gone.
4. Leak in the bathroom: Sealed and holding...
5. Hole in my ceiling (due to detecting above mentioned leak): Will have the plumber out in a week or so to "rough" fix it... handyman is lined up to make it pretty.
6. Idiot coworkers: Still a huge pain in my butt!
7. Teenagers: No resolution expected for another 7 years! (But it could be worse - they could be boys!)

Five out of seven ain't bad!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Steph's Serious Frustrations:

1. Taxes
2. Adobe Elements (photo editing software I cannot even begin to understand)
3. Squirrels in my attic
4. Leak in the bathroom
5. Hole in my ceiling (due to detecting above mentioned leak)
6. Idiot coworkers
7. Teenagers

Isn't running a household fun?!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

My friends and I celebrated Saturday night. We went to a dinner/auction sponsored by the Knights of Columbus at the Cathedral. Then we went to a local hot spot that was featuring a "famous" DJ for a dancing party. It was so much fun! I actually didn't feel old for one whole evening! Here's the highlights:

* I bought a new dress for the event. On a lark, entered a store I never shop in and found something "young and hip." Of course it was - it was from a store the girls shop in! But what a deal - only $22.50! I stayed right on budget...

* Since the dress was so cheap, I also bought a cute little sweater and new shoes. I blew the budget...

* I was attending the dinner/auction with a good friend of mine as his "date." First stop when we got there - to Father O'Kibby's Pub (although Father was a patron, not the bartender!). Jimbo [my friend] didn't even offer to get me a drink! And they were free!! Not off to a great start. Will definitely have to give Jimbo some pointers on how to act around the ladies. No wonder he's still single!!

* Bid on [and won] ballroom dancing lessons. My whole group went in on it together... should make for an interesting blog later!

* The next party was outside, but under a tent. It had been raining all week. I won't go into the gory details - I'm sure you can picture the mess created by way too many people crammed into way too small a space. New shoes may be a casualty of the night...

* The DJ at the last party ROCKED!! It was like he went into my personal collection and played only my favorite songs that I forgot about ever loving [80's and 90's]. We danced for 3 hours straight - and hated to see it end. Didn't make for keeping my cute hair in place, but what a workout!

* The final count: general compliments - 2, compliments on my dress - 4, compliments from boys younger than me - 2!! [See, I told you I wasn't old that night!] I'd call that a successful evening all the way around!

What fun... I have the best friends! Coming soon - NKOTB in Nashville!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Steph's (in)famous Turkey Recipe

You will need 1 smallish frozen turkey

Day One:
1. Place turkey in refrigerator to thaw

Day Two:
2. Place turkey in cold water to thaw
3. Place turkey in warm water to speed up thawing
4. Cuss turkey while returning it to refrigerator to thaw

Day Three:
5. Run cold water over turkey to remove remaining ice
6. Chip ice away from cavity opening and pry out turkey innards
7. Bake for 2 hours - check for pop up done timer
8. Bake for 3 hours - check for pop up done timer
9. Google "Done Turkey"
10. Call Mom and learn there is no pop up done timer
11. Pierce crispy outer layer to see if juices run clear
12. Cuss juiceless turkey while putting it in refrigerator because it's 10:30 pm

Day Four:
13. Remove turkey from fridge
14. Remove turkey from congealed grease and all those clear juices that ran out of the turkey
15. Spend 1 hour making cranberry turkey wreath using less than 1/4 of turkey (legs only)
16. Place remaining turkey (breast and bone) in generic brand ziploc bag and place in freezer

Day 180:
17. Cuss freezer-burned bag of turkey
18. Realize there is no other food for dinner
19. Toss out turkey
20. Order a pizza

Monday, January 12, 2009

Family Fun Night

This year, the girls and I opted to make a different kind of New Year's resolution. We decided that we would make a collective resolution to take one night a month and make it Family Fun Night. With each year, the girls get more involved in activities, school and homework become harder, and the social activities keep mounting. We try to eat dinner together each night, and usually on the weekends we find some time to hang out and watch tv or a movie. But overall, we are very busy [who isn't] and don't make fun time together as much of a priority as it ought to be.

We decided to take turns planning the Family Fun Night. The only rules are:
1) Whoever plans it gets to pick whatever they want, and the others cannot grumble, make fun, or in any way indicate they aren't super-thrilled with the idea, and
2) The activity has to cost roughly around the same amount as a "nice" (translate: Not Fast Food) dinner out [since I am in the process of attaining some lofty financial goals and have turned into quite the miser lately, but that's another blog!]

I planned the first night - bowling. I didn't tell the girls, just picked them up from Morgan's basketball game after school and didn't drive home. True to form, Jordan never noticed that we were not headed home [for someone who is supposed to be handed the keys in a year, she sure has no sense of direction!]. Morgan, however, did [so obviously she will play Goose to Jordan's Maverick]. I told them that we were headed out for Family Fun Night, and wouldn't tell them where. So they started guessing. It was hilarious! Here's a brief account of some of the guesses they made:

- going to the mall
- roller skating
- ice skating
- going to the movies
- rock climbing (seriously, and it was like 8 at night!)

Anyways when we got close to the bowling alley, I missed the turn. The very next intersection just happened to have a bus rental on the corner, so I thought, "Perfect!" and pulled in there to turn around. I said, "Girls, we are renting a bus." They sat stunned, not quite sure what to make of this, as I turned around and said, "Just kidding!" I'm not sure if they were relived or disappointed. Maybe that's a thought for another Family Fun Night (wait, that definitely costs more than a dinner out!).

We got to the bowling alley only to discover that there was an hour wait to get a lane. It was Friday night, but really, who knew so many people still went bowling! We decided to try our luck at another alley - in a somewhat shady neighborhood that they are trying to renovate. I was a little worried, and told the girls if it was sketchy at all, we would have to change our plans and have a Guitar Hero, Karioke, DDR marathon at home!

To my great relief, the bowling alley was newly renovated, clean, well-lit, and smoke-free. In fact everyone there looked just like us (not that I don't value diversity and all, but...). We were doubly pleased because it also happened to be Cosmic bowling! The music was fun, the neon black-light effects were fun, we were set for a great time.

We played two rounds. I won both (which isn't saying much since my "high" score was maybe 78!). Jordan was the biggest loser only scoring 18 in one of her games! Of course, we spent just as much time trying to get the perfect photos for my scrapbook, picking out the lightest, most colorful balls, and slurping on Icees, so we weren't disappointed in our scores.

Overall, we had a really great time. The girls didn't even text (ok, maybe they did just a little!) or mind that they had "given up" a Friday night for Family Fun Night! A new tradition is born!!

**Morgan gets to plan next month's and I think she is picking ice-skating...I better do some ankle exercises if I hope to stand a chance!