Sunday, April 19, 2009

Frustrations - Resolved!

Well, at least some!

1. Taxes: Completed on time - and I only spent 30 minutes at the post office to mail them [on tax day]!
2. Adobe Elements (photo editing software I cannot even begin to understand): Updated to the latest version, signed up for an online course, got the "Photoshop Elements 6 for Dummies" book. I have already learned more in 4 hours this weekend then I learned in 12 last! I love education!!
3. Squirrels in my attic: Critter Control has set traps... handyman is lined up to repair the soffit when the squirrels are all gone.
4. Leak in the bathroom: Sealed and holding...
5. Hole in my ceiling (due to detecting above mentioned leak): Will have the plumber out in a week or so to "rough" fix it... handyman is lined up to make it pretty.
6. Idiot coworkers: Still a huge pain in my butt!
7. Teenagers: No resolution expected for another 7 years! (But it could be worse - they could be boys!)

Five out of seven ain't bad!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Steph's Serious Frustrations:

1. Taxes
2. Adobe Elements (photo editing software I cannot even begin to understand)
3. Squirrels in my attic
4. Leak in the bathroom
5. Hole in my ceiling (due to detecting above mentioned leak)
6. Idiot coworkers
7. Teenagers

Isn't running a household fun?!